Love is…..

Love is………The 14 faces of love for February 2022

What does love look like in action? This month I took the time to reflect on the love moments experienced in the past few months. With a smile on my face and warmth in my heart, I share my picks with you.


1.      A night walk together after an exhausting day.

2.      Receiving homemade chocolate candy from a six-year-old boy.

3.      Consistently “showing up” every day with a sunrise and a sunset. Not to mention those

daily rainbows on Maui.

4.      Praising another for a job well done.

5.      Soft brown eyes and a wagging tail that follows your every move. The touch of her soft fur.

6.      Those honest conversations about hard social issues.

7.      The remembered smile of one far off.

8.      Cuddling on the couch.

9.      Sharing gift cards from thoughtful acts of dog sitting and rides of service.

10.   Playing pickle ball by the sea at dusk.

11.   Feeling understood when he listened.

12.   Smiling and laughing over an Italian sub.

13.   Waiting for a long-time-in-coming thing with peace, grace, and joy.

14.   Being accepted even when we don’t see eye to eye.

Take a few moments to stop what you are doing and reflect on the people in your life and the love you share together. The greatest of these is LOVE.


Happy Valentine’s Day!



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